By Chelsea R.J.

Ever since The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic there has been an increase in stress and anxiety. This pandemic has created an environment that revolves around stress and fear. This is not only a frightening time for those who have COVID-19, but also for those who have to self-quarantine or self-isolate. Quarantine has made a lot of individuals feel hopeless, scared, and like things are out of their control. Even though this is a scary time for us there are some ways we can help decrease this anxiety. Listed below are 5 tips to help you stay relaxed during this global pandemic.
Accept you cannot control everything
Accepting that you cannot control everything is one of the first steps to help ease your anxiety and stress. Even though accepting that you can’t control everything that happens can be hard and frustrating, coming to embrace it can make you feel more relaxed. We all want to be in control of what’s happening but unfortunately, we can’t. Not having control can make you spiral in a feeling of distress, so the sooner we start accepting that we can’t control the world, the more at ease we will feel. You can’t control what’s going on, but you can control what actions you’ll take

During this stressful time meditating is one of the best ways to release your anxiety and stress. Meditating is a form of relaxing for many due to how it helps you understand the emotions that you are feeling. Sometimes your emotions can overpower your rationality, so meditation can help ground the feeling of stress. A lot of individuals during this pandemic are losing sleep because of their stress and anxiety. Meditation can help you get back to your sleeping patterns and can help promote happiness during this difficult time. Listed below are some websites you could check out to see the different yoga poses and what they do for you.
Limit the news

While it’s good to be informed about what’s happening during this pandemic, obsessing and continuously reading articles about Covid-19 can be detrimental to your health. Reading articles every single day about the pandemic can further add to your anxiety. Taking a break from social media and any platform that currently is talking about this global pandemic can help decrease your stress. It can be hard not to read articles about this scary time, but by doing this continuously you are putting your mental health at risk. If you are going to keep yourself updated every day make sure you get your information from reliable sources. There is a lot of fake news about what’s happening and it’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s fake.
Journaling is one of the best ways to express how you feel without having to say it out loud. Journaling creates a safe space between you and your thoughts. It is a way to write down all of your biggest fears, your happiest moments, or anything that you want to say. Journaling helps reduce anxiety, stress, and depression. During this time journaling is especially important to relieve all the stress you feel.
Talk to someone about how you feel

A lot of the times telling people how we feel can be really hard, however, it is really important for our mental health. Talking about how you feel is extremely important especially now during this pandemic. Communicating how we feel and telling others about what we fear can help us overcome our stress and make us feel like we are not alone. Feeling like we are not alone helps us become happier and content. Talking to people can help you feel like somebody does care and that they are willing to listen when you are struggling. In our society, we are told expressing how we feel is weak but in all actuality, it is not.
Although it’s hard to talk to people about how you feel, it is significant towards increasing your mental health. Talk with friends, family, or anybody that means a lot to you. If you have nobody to trust or you feel like you can’t talk to anybody listed below are some hotlines that you can call or text.
Crisis Text Line: Text CONNECT to 741741.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Helpline: 1-800-950-NAMI (6264)
Teen Line: 1-310-855-HOPE (4673) or 1-800-TLC-TEEN (852-8336)
Boys Town National Hotline: 1-800-448-3000